Nissan Insider managed to grab a quick chat with the father of GT-R, Katzutoshi Mizuno at the launch of the GT-R MY12, and he told us what the GT-R means to him and his customers.
You have an interesting way of describing the GT-R, don’t you?
The most important thing in humans’ lives is the Power of Life. At work, humans are stressed, under pressure and are forced to work hard during the week – this is especially the case with business men and people who earn a lot of money. These people need to relax at the weekend – and GT-R does this for them. They can go to the track and relax. The GT-R is like a girlfriend – you enjoy your time with her.
So, does the electric Nissan LEAF sit in this category of work?
Ecology is for the future of human beings and for human life, and GT-R is the reward for this hard work.
Does the GT-R form part of this future as well?
Yes. Part of my job is putting in new life to the GT-R to make it constantly fresh. I get this from the customer. The GT-R is not really about performance, it is about making people happy. It is also about energising these under pressure people – GT-R needs to be there for people.
The GT-R has a very strong, fabled history in Japan. Do you think the UK understands this?
No. If you go to Japan, you will stay in a Japanese hotel. The manager will go to each room and will say ‘thank you very much for coming’ and will introduce himself. This is not the same in America or in Europe. The reception is ‘thank you very much’ and that is all.
That is why we have introduced Japanese hospitality to sales. Our GT-R sales team will go to the customer and introduce what a GT-R is and what is new about it. Japanese hospitality in sales is very important and takes place in not only Japan, but Australia, America and the UK.
It must please you to see customers keep buying GT-Rs over and over again?
It makes me very happy. Every year, technology gets better and the customer’s expectations increases too. There is no limit to customers’ requests. It is not difficult for me to make a car better for the customer, and I enjoy building a car that is better than the one before it.
Do you own a GT-R yourself?
Yes, I do. It is a GT-R Egoist (a GT-R that is tailor made for the customer, and not for sale in the UK). I have to drive something I have designed!
Click here to read Jim Wright’s blog on what it was like meeting Mizuno-san at Silverstone or watch the video below