RECALLS are never something we’d welcome at Nissan, as it means something has gone wrong. But the way we all work together to put it right is what will turn an annoyed customer into one who has confidence in the brand and his dealer.
Over the coming days you will be coming into contact with a number of customers; some will be familiar faces but many others will be visiting you for the first time. They may never have experienced any Nissan aftersales operation before.
When you’re busy and we are all under pressure it’s easy to let our usual standards drop. Please take time to plan and rearrange resources so you have the time to explain to those concerned customers exactly what is going on and address any concerns they may have. Get it right and there’s a good chance we’ll make them customers for life.
If you need any support or advice from us, please call the technical support team on the N-FIT hotline. Please encourage customers to call Nissan customer services on 01923 899334 if they have questions you can’t answer.