STAFF from a Nissan dealer group will be supporting a large-scale military parade in Cardiff next month.
Wessex Garages is to provide vehicles to transport VIPs from Maindy Barracks to the Millennium Stadium for the presentation of new colours to The Royal Welsh on June 11.
Gareth Howells, General Manager of Wessex Garages’ Nissan dealership on Hadfield Road, Cardiff, said: “The Royal Welsh, one of the most experienced armoured infantry regiments in the British Army, will be conducting a large-scale military parade including more than 600 soldiers, officers, cadets and comrades from across Wales in Cardiff on June 11.
“The Royal Welsh will be marching from Cardiff Castle, through the streets of Cardiff City Centre and into the Millennium Stadium. The regiment will then be presented with new colours and regimental flags by a member of the Royal Family.
“For the regiment it is the final formal recognition of The Royal Welsh who were formed in 2006, following the merger of two great Welsh regiments, The Royal Welch Fusiliers and The Royal Regiment of Wales.
“We’re delighted we could support this important event by helping with the transportation needs during the day. Twelve of our staff members will use our vehicles from our dealerships on Penarth Road and Hadfield Road in Cardiff to help transport attendees during the event.
“This is a very important event which will allow us all to celebrate the regimental history of The Royal Welsh. We are proud to help The Royal Welsh focus on the future, united under their new colours.”
The regiment intends to take this opportunity to not only display its pride in representing the Welsh nation but to also thank the Welsh people for their continued support, not only recently in Iraq and Afghanistan but also over the centuries.
As part of this day the regiment would like to invite all members of the public from across Wales to attend, watch the parade and share this historic occasion under a shared common bond of national pride.
Chris Kilmister, Regimental Secretary, The Royal Welsh, Lieutenant Colonel, said: “The parade is a very significant day for all members of The Royal Welsh as we celebrate our Welsh identity based on 326 years of antecedent heritage.
“The day includes entertainment from traditional Welsh choirs, a full military parade and a formal lunch for members of the regimental family and their guests. This is a high-profile event drawing attendance from across the world, and what better place to hold this than in the Millennium Stadium in the capital of Wales?”
To follow the build-up towards the event, visit the regimental Facebook site (The Royal Welsh) and follow the regiment @TheRoyalWelsh on Twitter.